Liquidity Pool Details

Pool Name WOWO/XRD   Private  
Component Address component_rdx1crjl25n9l3zx2axga2qscxvvcsvj0dlxxwk6e67u64zvtng4dvdvwy  
Liquidity Type Private
LP Badge Address resource_rdx1nfhhxtwlyx5k58wft5nr5njcnyav7l8pxz22ja6ceuppa5jz2ujtu8  
Liquidity Mining Token Address resource_rdx1th4hnas6yqalyuu99lxe4tccysg87pqqjpu89dryzhsv2zue8yptds  
Package Name PlanetSwap v2.1.1 (Mainnet)
Package Address package_rdx1phdw0xl30ltzsa80ayf8rc93ukcahh3udezuk5pj0jj0j74fzru2sp  

Pool Liquidity

Fee Rules

Rule Type Value Token Collection Strategy
Percentage 1% Add To Pool Manager Fees
Percentage 0.2% Add To Package Owner Fees
Percentage 0.2% Add To Treasury